
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

J.W. Hobbs of Salem Enters Race for Sheriff, Feb. 27, 1924

Another Enters Race for Sheriff. . . J.W. Hobbs of Salem, Successful in Fishing and Farming, Is Fourth Candidate for This Office

Another candidate who has entered the lists in the race for sheriff of Pasquotank County is J.W. Hobbs of Salem, who is announcing his candidacy in this issue.

Fisherman and farmer, Mr. Hobbs is successful at both callings. Married 14 years ago $250 in debt, he was able, when he came to Pasquotank from Chowan in 1912, to make the first payment on a Salem township farm and now has his home paid for, a considerable investment in fishing equipment, and money in the bank.

He says that if elected sheriff of Pasquotank he will put into the work of the office the same energy, application and industry that have characterized his activities as farmer and fisherman.

Mr. Hobbs also makes the candid admission that he is not entering the race because he has been urged to do so by his friends, but because he wants the office and believes himself capable of filling it acceptably to the people of Pasquotank County.

“I have been too busy up to this time to engage in any active campaigning,” he declares, “but between now and the primary I expect to get out among the voters and let them understand that I am a candidate and that I will appreciate their support.”

With Mr. Hobbs’ announcement, there are now four avowed candidates in the race for sheriff. They are: L.W. Anderson, Charles Carmine, Miles Ferebee and J.W. Hobbs.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Advance, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1924

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