
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Rangers Have Busy Meeting At Community House, Feb. 27, 1924

Rangers Have Meeting

The Rangers had a very interesting meeting Saturday afternoon at the Community House on Fleetwood street at 2:30 o’clock and organized a baseball team. During the afternoon Mrs. Daniel Lane read a story that was much enjoyed. About 25 boys were present. They will meet next Friday night and Rev. Daniel Lane will take them to the movies.

After the Ranger’s meeting was over, two classes of girls were formed, girls from 8 to 12 and girls from 12 up. At the meeting there were 11 in the small girls’ class and nine in the older girls’ class. The older girls’ class will meet on Thursday nights for an hour of work when sewing but will be taught, followed by a social hour. This class will be under the supervision of Miss Marcia Albertson and others interested in this work.

The small girl class will meet on Saturday afternoons, and they will be under the supervision of Mrs. Maggie Blount and others. At the meeting Saturday afternoon, the following ladies were present: Mrs. C.W. Melick, Mrs. Maggie Blout, Mrs. Louis Mayes, Mrs. Daniel Lane and Miss Marcia Albertson. After the business was concluded, delicious cocoa and cakes were served by Miss Albertson, assisted by Mrs. Mayes.

From page 6 of the Elizabeth City Advance, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1924

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