
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Randleman High School Students to Present "The Wren", Feb. 28, 1924

Play to be Given at Randleman Feb. 23rd

The students of Randleman high school will give a presentation of “The Wren,” a drama in four acts, by Oliver P. Parker, at the Randleman school auditorium on Saturday, February 28, at 7:20 p.m.

The play is an exceedingly interesting little love story which centers around the life of Jane Danna, a pretty country girl who goes to the city to visit her aunt who is a rich society leader. While Jane is in the city her aunt tries to marry her to Reginald Greenston, a spoiled young society man, whose mother holds a mortgage on Jane’s country home. Reginald’s mother is perfectly willing to cancel the mortgage, however, if Jane will marry Reginald. But Jane does not love Reginald, and she finally decided to marry Rodney Blake Jr., an attractive young man who is madly in love with her, although he does not discover until the very last that Jane loves him and has loved him since the time they first met. The story is delightfully portrayed as only a master author and good acting can portray it.

The part of Jane is played by Miss Tinsley Bryant while Mr. Eugene Bulla has the part of Rodney Blake Jr., her lover. The role of Reginald Greenston is played by Mr. Robert Lineberry. Miss Alice Connor has the part of the rich aunt. The others who have parts in the play are Misses Lillian Trogdon, Dorothy Lamb, Willie Millikan, Nell Robbins, Elsie Julian, Ophelia Kirkman, Mary Ferguson; and Messrs. Jack Newlin, Weaver Lineberry, Truman Wall and Clark Marsh.

The play, which is given with the permission of the National Drama company, is under the direction of Miss Ruth Coltrane, who is English teacher and dramatic supervisor at Randleman high school. The proceeds from the play will be spent on improvements for the high school. Admission will be 25 and 35 cents.

From the front page of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., Feb. 21, 1924

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