
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Frank Henley, Carrie Stewart Wed in Palm Beach, Honeymooning in Cuba, Feb. 21, 1924

Former Asheboro Boy Married at Palm Beach

The friends of Mr. Frank Henley, son of Dr. and Mrs. F.A. Henley of High Point, and who was born and reared in Asheboro, will learn with interest of his marriage at Palm Beach.

Miss Carrie Stewart of Chicago and Frank Henley of High Point, N.C., were married on Saturday at high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Osborne, 535 Iris street, where the bride was a visitor. The nuptials were read by Rev. J.P. Calhoun, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Miss Stewart has been spending the winter with her parents in Miami. Mr. Henley is the southern representative of the Wortendyke Manufacturing company of Richmond, Va.

After an elaborate luncheon served at the Osborne home, the newly married couple left for Havana, where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at home in the spring in Jacksonville.

Mr. Henley has been located in Florida for the past three years.

From the front page of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., Feb. 21, 1924

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