
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Story-Cranford Marriage Announced at Tea, Feb. 21, 1924

Story-Cranford Wedding Announced

The announcement of the marriage of Miss Vivian Cranford and Mr. Sam Story, which occurred at Salisbury February 2nd, came as a surprise to their many friends in the town. Very few outside the immediate family knew of the marriage until it was announced by Mrs. Edwin Cranford, sister-in-law of the bride, at a lovely tea Saturday afternoon.

The bride is the lovely young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Cranford of this place and is not only a most popular member of her social set in the town, but has many friends throughout the State. She has for the past two years been a student at Greensboro College. Mr. Story is principal of the school at Hemp where he has taught for several years. He is the son of Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Story of Marion, and is well known in Asheboro and Randolph county, where he has many friends.

From the front page of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., Feb. 21, 1924

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