
Friday, March 1, 2024

Sarah Rakestraw, 79, Retired Teacher, Dies, March 1, 1924

Death of Mrs. Sarah M. Rakestraw

Mrs. Sarah M. Rakestraw died near Price, N.C., February 25th, at her old homestead, where she resided with her daughter, Mrs. C.D. Robertson. Interment was made in the family burial ground.

She was stricken with paralysis about one month previous to her death, and had since been confined to her bed.

She was born May 2, 1845, and lived to be 79 years old. She was a devout Christian woman and very active in her old age, and was blessed with good health up until the time of her affliction.

The greater portion of her life since she was 18 years old had been spent in teaching school. She did not resign her position until about two years ago.

In early life Mrs. Rakestraw became a member of the Methodist Church. She was one to whom God gave talents, and these she consecrated to Him in service.

In her life the church came first, and in it she was an untiring worker. She will be missed by all. The world is better for her having lived. Probably nothing greater than this could be said of a life in its passing.

Mrs. Rakestraw was a sister to Mrs. D.E. Moore and Mrs. R. Smith of this place.

May the God of all comfort and abide with those who mourn, and sustain them in every time of need; guide them in all their going to that glad day on which we shall see again those whom we have “lost the while.”

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Saturday, March 1, 1924

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