
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Former Sheriff Killed; Grandson Charged, Grandson's Wife in Hospital, May 21, 1924

Ex-Sheriff Greenwood Victim of Foul Play. . . Robert Fleming and Wife, Grandson, Accused of the Murder—Mrs. Fleming is in Jail, Robert Fleming in Hospital

Elkin tribune of 15th says: The details connected with the death of former Sheriff J.S. Greenwood of Wilkes county, a former resident of Roaring River, but more recently of Chase City, Va., which occurred last Saturday night about 8 o’clock at his home in Chase City, point to the fact that he was murdered.

the news first came here that he had died suddenly, but those accompanying his remains to Roaring River yesterday, including a Virginia officer, a resident of Chase City, stated that he came to his death as a result of injuries inflicted by Robert Fleming and wife, the former being a grandson of the deceased, having recently moved from Florida with his wife to live with Sheriff Greenwood and look after his farm.

The coroner’s inquest found that Greenwood came to his death from wounds inflicted by Robert Fleming and his wife. Mrs. Fleming is in jail, and Robert Fleming is in a Chase City hospital, suffering from knife wounds alleged to have been inflicted by Sheriff Greenwood. According to reports heard at Roaring River today from those who had come with the remains, an eight-year-old daughter of Mr. Greenwood, was an eye-witness to the murder. It was also learned that a Mr. Boldin, father-in-law of the deceased, heard Greenwood say as he staggered out of the house with a knife in his hand, that “If it hadn’t been for that, they would a got me.” those were alleged to have been his last words. He fell over dead almost immediately thereafter. It was further stated that Greenwood was clubbed to death. As to the motive for the murder, the only statements made would indicate that it was robbery.

The deceased was one of the best known men in this section, and was also highly respected in his new home in Virginia. He owned a farm on the outskirts of Chase City, containing 1,000 acres, and was a successful farmer. He was twice married, his second wife having died less than two years ago. His first wife was a sister of Mrs. R.C. Franklin and Mr. R.L. Harris of this place. He is survived by five daughters and two sons by his first marriage, Mesdames Lee Fleming of Mississippi, C.M. Teague of Winston-Salem, O.F. Jones of Austin, Tex., Joe Kluttz of St. Petersburg, Fla., and E.W. Burch of Chase City, Va.; Messrs. C.H. Greenwood of Statesville and Walter Greenwood of Winston-Salem. Two small children of the second marriage also survive. Among those who attended the funeral from here were Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Harris, Mrs. C.N. Bodenheimer, Mrs. E.C. Grier and Mr. W.W. Whitaker.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, May 21, 1924

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