
Monday, May 20, 2024

How Many Bacteria Would You Like in Your Milk? May 20, 1924

Analysis of Milk from Report of Health Board. . . Contents of Butterfat and Bacterial Content of Product Offered for Sale in City of Wilson; Standards Established by the State Authorities Are Set Forth

By L.J. Smith, Health Officer

The laboratory reports of milk analysis for the month of May is made by the board of health, showing butterfat content and bacterial content. The report follow:

Certain standards have been set by the Board of Health for milk offered for sale in the Town of Wilson. The butterfat content should not be less than 3 ½ per cent; the Bacterial Count shall not exceed 200,000 Bacteria in one cubic centimeter of milk during the summer months. You will observe four of the Dairies have fallen below 3 ½ per cent required Butterfat. You will also observe that three of the dairies have exceeded the minimum Bacterial County.

Wilson Sanitary, 3% Butterfat--15,000 Bacteria

Wade Pridgen, 4% Butterfat--33,000 Bacteria

R.L. Amerson, 3½ % Butterfat--186,000 Bacteria

A.J. Ford, 4¼ % Butterfat--172,000 Bacteria

Frank Winstead, 2½ % Butterfat--20,000 Bacteria

Mrs. Lucy Rogers, 4½ % Butterfat--40,000 Bacteria

G.W. Ferrell, 4½ % Butterfat--36,000 Bacteria

W.H. Johnson, 3½ % Butterfat--180,000Bacteria

B.R. Brice, 3¾% Butterfat--310,000 Bacteria

J.M. Creech, 3½ % Butterfat--248,000 Bacteria

J.J. Clark, 3% Butterfat--864,000 Bacteria

Harrell & Morton,3½ % Butterfat--20,000 Bacteria

A.A. Privett, 3% Butterfat--15,000 Bacteria

John Ashford, 3½ % Butterfat--186,000 Bacteria

Sidney Pittman, 3½ % Butterfat--124,000 Bacteria

Water Added, NONE

Visible Dirt, NONE

High Bacterial County is caused by dirty hands of the milker, failure to properly clean the udders of the cow, failure to thoroughly sterilize the milk vessels and bottles, failure to properly cool the milk immediately after milking and failure to properly provide sanitary conditions in and around the dairy barn and milk house.

The co-operation of the public with the Health Department will assist bringing the dairies up to the required standards which will give us a safe milk supply. Visit your dairy and see where your milk comes from.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, May 20, 1924

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