
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Reckless Driving Charge Held Over; Juliup Hall and Bement Boy Have Died; Other News from King, May 14, 1924

Bound Over to Stokes Court. . . Early Bodenheimer Charged with Reckless Driving—Two Infants Die Near King—Personal and News Items

King, May 12—Earlie Bodenhamer was tried Wednesday before Justice James R. Caudle on a charge of reckless driving and operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor. Probable cause was found, and he was bound over to the next term of Stokes Superior court, which convenes in October. His bond was fixed at $500, which he promptly arranged. These charges grew out of the wreck at the Muddy Creek bridge two miles east of here on Sunday, April 27th, in which Numa Warren lost his life. Bodenhamer was driving the car at the time. A force of men have been at work the last few days widening the road at the approach to this bridge where the accident happened. this was the second man to be killed at this identical spot. It will be remembered that a young man named Lawrence of Westfield was killed at this point about two years ago.

Henry Newsum of Winston-Salem has purchased from R.A. Newsum a piece of real estate containing 10 acres lying two miles south of town, consideration $2,000.

J.S.D. Pulliam left today for Wilmington where he goes to look after some business matters.

Walter Sprinkle has purchased from L.J. Kiser a nice residence lot on East Main street, on which he will erect a nice home at once.

A.N. Jones of Winston-Salem is here today looking after some business matters.

Little Juliup, the seven-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hall, died at their home one mile south of here Saturday afternoon after a short illness with measles and pneumonia. The interment was conducted from the Baptist church here today. Prof. and Mrs. Murray Thompson of Stuart, Va., are spending a few days with relatives here.

The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bennett died at the Baptist hospital in Winston-Salem yesterday from an attack of colitis. The interment was conducted from mount Olive church today.

The work of remodeling Dr. E.M. Griffin’s home in West End is nearing completion.

Evangelist Thunderbolt Tom and family are spending several days with relatives in Yadkin county.

S.S. Boles, who lives in Florida, has sent his brother, W.T. Boles, who resides here an alligator. The animal is 15 years old and is about 2 ½ feet long. Your correspondent while in Florida some years ago, saw them 10 and 12 feet long. These were about 400 years old.

Dr. G.E. Stone carried Mrs. DeWitt Cook to the Lawrence hospital at Winston-Salem today where she will undergo a major operation.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, May 14, 1924.

First name spelled Early in headline and Earlie in article. Last name spelled Bodenheimer in headline and Bodenhamer in article.

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