
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

W.C. Hammer, N.C. Representative, Called Garrulous "Old Grandmother," May 14, 1924

W.C. Hammer Has a Scrap

Washington, May 8—Representative Hammer, Democrat, of North Carolina, objected to being called a garrulous “old grandmother” by Representative Blanton of Texas at today’s meeting of the House District of Columbia committee and it took a great deal of effort by other committee members to keep them apart.

Mr. Hammer first let fly a folding chair at his antagonist and when that did not hit the mark, grabbed the bulky District of Columbia bill. Thereafter, the two members made several lunges at each other across the table, but the meeting ended with matters apparently quieted.

A disagreement over calling the meeting caused the outbreak.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, May 14, 1924

William C. Hammer, former school teacher, lawyer, U.S. Attorney for the Western North Carolina District, and newspaper editor before serving the Seventh District Representative from North Carolina from 1927 until his death, Sept. 26, 1930. For more than 40 years, he owned and edited the Asheboro Courier.

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