
Friday, June 14, 2024

Brugie Williams Fined for Shooting Huckleberry Thief, June 14, 1924

Negro Goes After Huckleberries, Gets Bird Shot. . . Hopes to Sit Down for Meals at a Future Date, But Wants No More Berries

Clinton, June 13—Daniel Webster, statesman and orator, assimilated much honor and considerable knowledge. Daniel Webster Mosely, colored, craved huckleberries as much as his namesake craved honor, and thereby hangs a sad, sad tale.

The saddest part of the tale came from the busy end of a shot gun in the hands of Brugie Williams, white. Bird shot imbedded in one’s anatomy are generally sad to the container.

According to the testimony given before W.F. Sessams, judge of juvenile court, Dan Web Moseley entered upon the lands of Brugie and sought the succulent berry, whereupon he found bird shot traveling fast in his direction. Williams, it was shown, is a minor, and claimed that he fired only to scare trespassers away.

The court held that the berries were protected by law, but that shot gun methods were a little too extreme and fined Williams with the doctor bill and cost, amounting to $9.30.

Dan Web says hereafter he will investigate the relations of berries first and trespass afterwards. He hopes to sit down for his meals soon again.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Saturday, June 14, 1924. Last name spelled Mosely and Moseley in newspaper.

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