
Friday, June 14, 2024

C.L. Cox to Build New Hotel in Clinton, June 14, 1924

Clinton to Have a Handsome New Hostelry Soon. . . Will Cost in Neighborhood of $75,000 and Will be a Credit to the City

Clinton, June 13—C.L. Cox, druggist, plans to build a 50-room hotel, to cost from $60,000 to $75,000, according to the announcement he made this week. The new building will be on the lot now occupied by Mr. Cox’s residence at the corners of Main and Wall streets.

Mr. Cox says that he is convinced that a hotel property such as he plans with the ground floor given over to stores, will be an excellent investment and at the same time be of great benefit to Clinton.

The new structure, he says, will be of brick, steel and concrete, and will contain about 50 hotel rooms, with a lobby and dining room. The ground floor will be given over to two or three store rooms. All guest rooms will be on the second and third floors.

The building, Mr. Cox plans, will be all moderns, with steam heat, electricity and baths. The plans are being made by an experienced hotel architect.

Mr. Cox hopes to have a definite announcement as to plans, cost, size, etc., of his new building soon.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Saturday, June 14, 1924

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