
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Chief Justice Walter Clark's Will Probated, June 2, 1924

Judge Clark’s Will Admitted to Probate. . . Divides Estate Valued at $50,000 Among Children and Grandson

Raleigh, May 23—The will of the late Chief Justice Walter Clark, probated Wednesday, divided an estate valued at $50,000 among his children and grandson.

The will contained the request that no monument be erected for him other than a simple duplicate to the one to his wife.

The home on Halifax in Raleigh was bequeathed to his daughter, Mrs. Eugenia C. McLean. His “Guyfield Farm” of 206 acres, in Halifax county, goes to Walter Clark of Charlotte; another farm of 150 acres to John W. Clark; “Beaver Dam Farm” on Roanoke river, containing 756 acres, is divided between Thorne Clark, receiving two-fifths, W.A. Graham Clark, two-fifths; and David Clark of Charlotte, one-fifth.

A farm tract of 263 acres was left to his grandson, Walter Clark, son of Thorne Clark.

The residue of other property, consisting of $5,834 in insurance, bonds and cash, goes to Graham Clark after all debts are paid.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Monday, June 2, 1924

$50,000 in 1924 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $916,807.02 today, according to the online inflation calculator.

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