
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dr. Bowling Offers Eno River Land to Salvation Army, June 22, 1924

Durham Physician Offers Land to Salvation Army for Use in Establishing Home for Workers

An offer of land on Eno River at the site of the old Guess mill, 5 miles north of Durham on the Guess Road, has been tendered the national Salvation Army organization by Dr. E.H. Bowling, Durham physician and owner of the property, for the establishment of a home for super-annulated officers and workers of the Salvation Army, it was announced Saturday.

The property tentatively offered is a part of the old Dr. Guess property, situated on both sides of Eno River, and is one of the most attractive sites in the vicinity of Durham for a summer resort, camp, or institutional home. It is a mile north of Crystal Lake. Sheer cliffs, surmounted by thick pine forests, rise on either side of the river, and a large natural lake has been formed by the erection of a concrete dam, which takes the place of the old wooden one recently washed away. Several boys’ camps have been situated near the property offered the Salvation Army. The “Wolf’s Den,” a natural cave hollowed from the rock cliff on the south side of the river, not far from the dam, is one of the several interesting places on the property now owned by Dr. Bowling.

The offer of the land was made by Dr. Bowling to the Salvation Army through Captain Bivans, who has been with the local post of the army for the past several years, but who is leaving soon for Spartanburg, S.C. Captain Bivans is taking the matter up with divisional heads. It was planned to have Brigadier Crawford of Charlotte, one of the leading army officials of this district, visit the site on his last scheduled visit to Durham two weeks ago, but Brigadier Crawford was unable to make his scheduled trip to Durham.

The offer made by Dr. Bowling is conditional upon the building a home of some kind by the army upon the property.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 22, 1924

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