
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ernest Midgett Charged with False Pretense in Buying Tires, June 23, 1924r

Young White Man Held on Charge of False Pretense

Ernest Midgett of this city was held for Superior Court under $200 bond on a charge of false pretense in recorder’s court Monday morning, on evidence of D.A. McCoy, garatge man, and J.M. Weeks to the effect that Midgett obtained a set of tires from the former belonging to the latter on the representation that he had paid Mr. Weeks for them.

James E. Wilson, colored, for riding a bicycle at night without proper lights was taxed witt he costs.

Enoch Williams, colored, for assault on one Roxie Hill, also colored, was fined $10 and costs.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, Monday, June 23, 1924

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