
Sunday, June 23, 2024

R.L. Griggs of Harbinger Says Currituck County Blessed with Fertile Land, June 23, 1924

Needn’t Try Elsewhere If Can’t Live in Currituck

“Land that I have in potatoes would ordinarily yield 700 barrels. This year it looks as thugh I might get 1,200 barrels.

So said former Sheriff R.L. Griggs of Harbinger, Currituck County, Saturday while in the city by way of illustration of a statement that he had just made to the effect that never had Currituck seen such a yield of potatoes as is being dug this week.

“Give us labor and transportation and our section of Currituck would be one of the richest farm areas in the State.” Mr. Griggs went on to say, “With our fertile land bounded by the Albemarle Sound n one side and Currituck Sound on the other, the man who can’t make a living in lower Currituck even as it is needn’t try to do it anywhere else.”

From page 7 of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, Monday, June 23, 1924

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