
Friday, June 28, 2024

Klan Issue Big Obstacle in Way of Party Platform, June 28, 1924

Klan Issue Big Obstacle In Way of Party Platform

By Associated Press

Madison Square Garden, New York, June 28—Responding to appeals of party leaders to give more time for the platform committee to work on the Ku Klux Klan plank, the Democratic National Convention, after a brief morning session, recessed until 8 o’clock this afternoon, day light saving time, seemingly hopelessly divided on the issue of whether the Klan is to be named specifically and surrounded by war clouds loaded with threats of a party split.

Convention managers sent Homer Cummings, chairman of the platform committee, to bat to explain to the convention why the platform was being delayed, and to plead for more time. Tired and worn by continuous loss of sleep since Tuesday, Cummings gave as dramatic a recital as ever has been heard in a National Convention, explaining the deliberations of the committee and its inability to reach an agreement. He told amid dramatic silence how after an all-night session, the committeemen had gathered around their table in the breaking dawn of day, and recited in unison the Lord’s Prayer, after which Williams Jennings Bryan had raised his voice and spoken a prayer for divine guidance.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, June 28, 1924

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