
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Society News from the New Bernian, June 8, 1924

Society—Telephone 384-J

On the Departure of the Nightengale

Sweet poet of the woods—a long adieu!

Farewell, soft minstrel of the early year!

An’t ‘twill be long ere thou shalt sing anew,

And pour thy music on “the night’s dull ear.”

Whether on Spring thy wandering flights await,

Or whether silent in our loves you well,

The pensive Muse shall own thee for her mate,

And still protect the song she loves so well.

With cautions step the love-lorn youth shall glide

Through the long brake that shades thy mossy nest;

And shepherd girls from eyes profane shall hide

the gentle bird who sings of pity best;

For still thy voice shall soft affections move,

And still be dear to sorrow, and to love!

--Charlotte Smith


Miss Catherine Hollister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hollister, has returned to the city for the summer after having just graduated from North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro. While at college, Miss Hollister made splendid record in every field she entered and is another student of whom New Bern may justifiably be proud.

Mrs. W.C. Cato and little daughter, of Richmond, Va., arrived in the city Friday night to spend a week here with friends. Mrs. Cato is a former resident of New Bern.

Miss Lizzie Griffin left Thursday evening to spend the summer with relatives in Denver, Colorado.

Larry Moore Jr. is at home from the University of North Carolina to spend his summer vacation with his parents.

Clyde Eby Jr., who has been attending school at Fishburne, is at home for the summer months.

Miss Emily Ward left this morning for Chapel Hill to attend the commencement exercises at the University of North Carolina, during which her brother, Mr. Livingston Ward, will receive his degree.

Mrs. James W. Watts Jr. of Williamston has returned to her home after attending the Lyons-Wadsworth wedding.

Miss Hilda Randolph of Kinston was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Albert T. Willis Friday.

From page 4, the editorial page, of the New Bernian, Sunday, June 8, 1924.

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