
Friday, July 12, 2024

Electrical Accident Kills Two, Injures Three at Fort Bragg, July 12, 1924

Two Men Killed at Fort Bragg. . . Several Also Injured When Electric Current Jumps to Pipe

Fort Bragg, July 11—Two soldiers were killed here today and three others injured with current from a high tension electrical power line jumped to a galvanized iron pipe being used in construction work near the power circuit. The dead are:

Corporal Ernest Brynlidden, aged 25, of 508 Alexander Street, Oakland, California.

Private Herbert N. Ward, aged 20, 207 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte.

The injured are:

Private Weaver J. farmer, aged 22, Asheville, N.C., burned on the back.

Private John Pearce, aged 20, New Bern, N.C., burned about the body.

Private Charles A. Whisnant, aged 23, Morganton, N.C., arms burned.

Sergeant Ira Hinton was slightly shocked.

The accident occurred in the rear of the commissary building while the men were erecting an extension to (the) flagpole, using an iron pipe for the purpose. It was being steadied by insulated wire used as guide wires, it was said.

Brynlidsen and Ward were on the platform holding the pipe. Suddenly, according to Private Thomas H. Miller, who witnessed the accident, what looked like a bolt of lightning jumped from a nearby high tension electric wire to the guide wires. At the shock the men released their hold on the pipe, which well (fell?) across the power line. the two men were instantly killed. The three injured men were holding the guide wires.

A board of inquiry has been ordered. The bodies will be sent to the home of the men.

From page 8 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, July 12, 1924

Brynlidden or Brynlidsen? The last name was spelled two different ways in the paper.

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