
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Knickers Growing Popular Among Durham Women, July 13, 1924

Knickers Adopted by Local Women. . . New Style Is Growing More and More Popular Among Women of Durham

People may frown on the wearing of knickers by the fair sex but the men do not fail to rubber-neck when a pair of them pass him by on the street. This statement was proved to the satisfaction of a Herald reporter Saturday when a large number of young women appeared on Main street dressed in the latest style of knickers. Wherever they passed, members of the opposite sex turned their heads to get a bitter glimpse of the dainty figures.

Knickers have come to stay. In northern and western sections of the country, knickers were adopted some time ago by the women for street wear and for golfing. But it is only recently becoming a popular style in this section of the country. This style has not been adopted by the women without the disapproval of many of the men, however. That is to say, they do not approve of the style when it hits them through the conversion of a feminine member of the family to the style but as long as somebody else’s wife, daughter or sweetheart walks the streets of Durham with knickers on it is all right.

Some of the men declare that the women are trying to fashion after the men. They take offense at what they call the distinctive mark between the male and the female, but they will have to bow to the stern edict of Dame Fashion for knickers are here and here to stay until they are no longer stylish. The wearing of knickers is increasing in popularity in Durham as is shown by the ever-increasing numbers of girls and young women who appear on the city’s streets wearing them.

From page 3 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 13, 1924

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