
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Buy Winter Coal Now, When Price is Lower, Aug. 18, 1924

The Parable . . . Of the Man who Waited for the First Frost

And it came to pass that there dwelt in a land not so very far from here, a Prophet who went forth on a sultry Summer day to call upon a certain person.

And the prophet spake unto the certain person, saying: “Friend, hast though placed an order for coal against the coming of the Winter season?”

The certain person mopped the perspiration from his brown, shifted the electric fan, and responded saying, “Where dost thou procure that stuff? And dost thou, perchance, known any more funny jokes?”

But the prophet was not abashed. Again he spake, saying, “Behold this sultry season will pass. And the patent-medicine almanac doth foretell a hard, cold winter. Lo, thou canst save money and much sorrow by ordering a goodly stock of coal in the season when it is plentiful and low in price.”

And the certain person answered saying, “Apple sauce!”

Lo, the Summer waned, as is the habit of Summers and on the second Tuesday after Labor Day, the Prophet appeared again before the certain person, saying, “Behold, the price of coal is somewhat advanced, but thou canst yet save a sizeable sum by filling thy bins on the day before tomorrow.” But the certain person answered, “Thy talk may be well and good, but as for me and my house, we shall wait yet awhile. The season of lawn-mowers and lemonade is still with us, and the ice cream cone is abroad in the land. A few days more I shall tarry for there is an abundance of time.”

And the certain person waited. But the weeks did not. They sped one upon another. And there came an evening when the certain one bade the hand-maiden place extra coverings upon the bed; yea, even two blankets and a quilt, for the night was chill.

When the dawn came, the certain person arose, shivering, thrust his head out of the door—and quickly withdrew it. For there was frost on the ground and it was bitter cold.

Then spake the certain person, saying, “Lo, I would fain build a fire and there are but six lumps of coal in the bin. Now shall I telephone the market place where coal is sold, and order a goodly stock.”

And it was even so. But when the coal dealer heard the plea he responded after this fashion saying, “Right gladly would I send thee but behold there are four and twenty orders ahead of thine and the supply is limited. Willingly will we do our best, but angels with gold-plated wings could do no more.”

When he had heard these words the certain person was sore distressed. And it came to pass that he wrapped blankets well about him, and sat beside the empty coal bin wailing. Behold the prophet didst know his stuff. Woe unto me, for I forsook his counsel and would have none of it. And now do I repent. But, just so surely as another year cometh, then I shall order my winter coal, and save not only shekels but shivers as well.”

Don’t put it off but order your winter coal to-day from the following firms:

J.S. Turner & Son.

Weldon Ice & Fuel Co.

E.H. Smith, at Bank of Weldon.

These firms will fill your orders promptly at the lowest market price. Order today and be through with it.

From the front page of the Roanoke News, “A Newspaper for the People,” published in Weldon, N.C., Monday, August 18, 1924

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