
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Do You Have Enough Insurance? Aug. 18, 1924

Has your insurance kept pace with new purchases?

From time to time you have made improvements on your house. You have also brought new things into your home. Does your insurance cover ALL these things? If fire came to-night would you be paid enough to replace with goods of like kind and character?

This agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company will help you estimate values and will so plan your fire insurance that, if loss should come, it would be made good. For safe and sure insurance, call

Allen & Draper

Insurance and Surety Bonds

Green Building, Phone 304, Weldon, N.C.

From the front page of the Roanoke News, “A Newspaper for the People,” published in Weldon, N.C., Monday, August 18, 1924

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