
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Greensboro Mills Resume Work with 12 1/2% Pay Cut, Aug. 11, 1924

Greensboro Mills to Resume Work Monday. . . Wage Cut of 12 ½ Per Cent Will Go Into Effect

Greensboro, Aug. 9—Announcement was made here today that the White Oak Denim mills, the largest in the world: Proximity Cotton Mills and Proximity Print Works will go back on full time Monday morning. They have been running on a four-days-a-week basis since May, when market conditions caused the shutdown. They have been completely shut down for vacation since July 24.

The properties are known as the Cone group of mills and employ about 2,000 operatives. When they started running short time, Bernard Cone, president of Proximity Manufacturing Co., said that he had hopes they would start when a new crop of cotton appeared. They start somewhat in advance of his expectation.

A reduction in wages accompanies the resumption of work, about 12 ½ per cent.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, Aug. 11, 1924

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