
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Leak and Hale Recieve Sentences of Death, Aug. 25, 1924

Leak and Hale Receive Their Sentences of Death. . . In 10 Minutes After Sentence, the Sheriff Is on Way to Raleigh with Them

Lexington, Aug. 23—John Leak and Kenneth Hale, two negroes charged by the state with the murder of Charles Garwood, taxi driver, on the night of August 7, stood up in Davidson county courthouse this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock and received the sentence of death in the electric chair at Raleigh. The pair of blacks were convicted by a Davidson county jury after 27 minutes of deliberation. Judge Thad Bryson, presiding over the present term of superior court, fixed October 9 as the date for the execution.

Within 10 minutes after sentence was imposed, the negroes, in the custody of Sheriff R.B. Talbert, were being hastened to Raleigh.

The conviction of the two negroes,15 days after the murder was committed, was received quietly by the crowd that packed the Davidson County courthouse to its capacity.

Ernest Dinkins, Greensboro negro, was given 10 years in the state prison for being an accessory after highway robbery in which murder was committed.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Aug.25, 1924

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