
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Leslie Park Confesses to Killing HIs Father, Aug. 25, 1924

Leslie Park Charged With Killing Father. . . W.L. Park of Union County, Shot Through Door of Home as He Sat in Chair

Monroe, Aug. 24—Leslie H. Park, a young white man, is held in jail here in connection with the killing last night of his father, W.L. Park, who was shot to death through an open doorway as he sat in a chair in his home in Jackson township, about 15 miles from Monroe. Young Park, following the shooting, made his way to Monoreand voluntarily surrendered to officials.

According to the officers, young Park confessed that he shot his father, following an alleged attack upon Mrs. W.L. Park, wife of the death man and mother of the prisoner.

Young Park told the officers that his father came home about 8 o’clock last night from Lancaster, S.C., in a quarrelsome mood and proceeded to choke and beat his wife. The young man, according to the officer’s version of his confession, left the room where his father was abusing his mother, secured the elder Parks’ double barrel shotgun, went around the house and opened fire upon the father through an open door.

When neighbors arrived, it is said, the dead body of the elder Park was found sprawled in a chair. A pistol with several empty chambers was on the floor by his side. Young Park told the officers that his father announced his return last night by firing several shots just before he entered the house.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Aug.25, 1924

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