
Friday, August 16, 2024

Senate Approves Referendum for Port Bill, Aug. 16, 1924

Port Bill Has Passed Senate. . . Contains Clause for Referendum at the November Elections—Vote Was 31 to 1

Raleigh, August 16—the port commission bill with the clause for referendum in the November election was passed by the North Carolina Senate 31 to 1 today.

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Senator Williams of Pasquotank led the opposition to the amendment [for the referendum]. The bill passed the second reading with the referendum clause included.

This morning the Senate will give the bill its final vote and it is predicted, based on the second reading vote, that it will pass and be sent to the House.

The Senate spent all yesterday afternoon and last night debating the referendum section and did not adjourn until nearly 1 o’clock this morning.

The session was resumed at 10:30 this morning.

From the front page of the Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Saturday evening, Aug. 16, 1924

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