
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Watermelon Season in Goldston, Aug. 13, 1924

Melon Season Here In Its Full Glory. . . Watermelons Galore Delight the Heart and Appetites of Those Who Enjoy This Product of the Farm

These are the days of the watermelon—that festive fruit which appeals so strongly to the palates of so many persons—and the demand for them in Goldsboro is, as usual, large, and scores are being disposed of daily.

Probably nowhere in the country are the watermelons so sweet and juicy as those grown down in this section of the state, surely nowhere are they more in demand and enjoyed more by those who eat of their meat.

Walk about town these days and in addition to the melons on display and sale in the stores, countless wagons filled with them are scattered about the city, the farmers disposing of their wares to the public with that lordly air which shows they know their product will be enjoyed to the utmost.

The melon season is in full blast now, and for days the epicureans and others who delight in this sort of food will be in their glory.

From front page of the Goldston News, Aug. 13, 1924

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