
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

In Memory of Charley Carpenter, Sept. 5, 1924

In Memory of Charley Carpenter

He has gone and left us.

He’s sleeping now beneath the clay;

Oh, ‘tis lonely here for us,

Since little Charley went away.

Oh, we miss his loving voice,

and the pattering of his little feet;

As he would come along our pathway

With that smile always so sweet.

His suffering is now over,

Which was so hard to bear;

And now he’s resting peacefully,

In that land so sweet and fair.

Dear ones, do not weep for Charley,

For he’s happy in that land;

Ans his voice floats out sweetly,

Singing in the angel band.

He’s now waiting across the river,

Where there is no setting sun;

Watching for the loved ones left behind.

As they are gathered in one by one.

Let us all be true to Jesus,

Till this life on earth is o’er;

then we’ll meet with little Charley,

Ne’er to part from him more.

--Eula Welch

From the front page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., Friday, Sept. 5, 1924

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