
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Personal Mention in the Franklin Press, Sept. 5, 1924

Personal Mention

Mr. C.L. Stanfield of Winston-Salem was in town on business last Friday.

Col. J.R. Price of Albemarle, N.C., spent several days here last week on business.

Mrs. Geo. H. Crowell and three children have returned to their home at Martin, Tenn., after spending several weeks here with Mrs. Powell’s sister, Mrs. W.F. Curtis.

Mr. A.L. Leach has returned from a two weeks’ visit to relatives in Tennessee.

Miss Helen Leach left last week for Raleigh, to rsume her work as a teacher in the school there.

Mrs. J.W. Roper spent the last week end with relatives at Cullowhee.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Roper spent one day last week in Asheville, where Mr. Roper went on business.

Rev. R.S. Howie, presiding elder of the Waynesville district, will preach at Bethel church Saturday morning at 11 o’clock. the fourth quarterly conference for the Franklin circuit will be held in the afternoon. He will preach at Franklin Methodist church Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The sacrament of The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock service. He will preach and hold quarterly conference for the Macon circuit Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock at Union church. The public is invited to all these services.

Mr. Henry Cunningham, an old Franklin boy who has been making his home at Durham for several years, arrived here Saturday for a visit with relatives. Mr. Cunningham suffered a stroke of paralysis several months ago, and for a long time was in critical condition, but his many friend here will be glad to know that he has now recovered sufficiently to be able to make the trip to Franklin by automobile, and it is hoped that he will regain his former good health at an early date.

Mrs. W.C. Kimzey left last Monday for her home at Moultrie, Ga., after spending several weeks here with her daughter, Mrs. S.A. Harris.

Miss Elizabeth Kelly of Raleigh spent several days here this week visiting relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Weimar Jones of Andrews, N.C., spent the last week end with relatives here.

Mr. John E. Rickman of Cowee was in Franklin on business one day the first of this week.

Mr. L.P. Cross, editor of the Clayton Tribune, Clayton, Ga., was in town last Monday, and while here gave the Press a friendly call.

Mr. J.W.L. Arthur, an old Confederate Veteran, was in our county this week trying to organize a camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Any direct descendant of a Confederate Veteran is eligible for membership. Mr. Arthur will be back in a few weeks, at which time he hopes to complete the organization.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Kingsbery and family left a few days ago for Atlanta, Ga., where they will spend the winter. Miss Emily will attend Agnes Scott College at Decatur. The Kingsberys have leased their beautiful home “Summer Hill” to a group of teachers in the Franklin Graded School for the school term, and the young ladies have secured a housekeeper and are now making their home there.

Mr. C.W. Hames and son Billy left Friday for Atlanta. Mr. Hames expects to return home today, and Billy goes on to Memphis, Tenn., to attend school there this winter.

Friends of Mrs. L.S. Conley will be glad to know that she is getting along nicely, after having an operation for appendicitis Wednesday.

Word was received last week by Mr. S.A. Munday that Mrs. Munday was critically ill with pneumonia at her farm at Half Moon Island, Tenn., where she has been making her home for several months. Mr. Munday immediately left to be her bedside, and later report brought the sad news that Mrs. Munday died shortly after Mr. Munday reached her. Mrs. Munday lived in Franklin for many years, and has many friends here who will regret to hear of her death.

From the front page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., Friday, Sept. 5, 1924

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