
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mayor, Chief of Police to Testify Against M.N. King, Sept. 22, 1924

To Testify at Trial of King

By the Associated Press

Asheville, Sept. 21—Major S.M. Williams of Asheville and Chief of Police Summer of Canton, who were members of the party that captured Mortimer N. King, self-confessed slayer of Major S.H. McLeary on the Raleigh-Columbia highway early in July, left today for Chesterfield, S.C., to testify at the trial of King and his confessed accomplice.

King confessed to the crime at Canton after a nation-wide search, lasting two weeks, had failed to shed any light on the whereabouts of the missing army officer.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Monday, September 22, 1924

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