
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Warden Has J.W. Peacock in Custody in California, Sept. 22, 1924

J.W. Peacock Is Located in California by Warden Busbee and Held in Jail. . . Arrest Was Made by Busbee Who Went West to Investigate Tip. . . Escaped Prison. . . Dr. Peacock Escaped from Insane Department of State Prison in 1922. . . Killed J.R. Taylor. . . Trial of Peacock Was Hard Fought and Ended in defendant Being sent to Insane Department of State Prison—He Was Arrested Later in Florida But Escaped Before Being Brought Back—Will Fight Extradition Again

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, sept. 21—Dr. J.W. Peacock of Thomasville, N.C., who escaped from the criminally insane ward of State’s prison on August 30, 1922, and for whom a nationwide search was instituted, was captured at El Cajon, Calif., yesterday, state prison officials announced tonight.

Prison officials received word of the capture today from warden S.J. Busbee of the prison, who effected the man’s re-arrest. Warden Busbee had been sent to California on a “tip” that Dr. Peacock was in that state.

The trial of Dr. Peacock for the killing of Chief of Police J.E. Taylor of Thomasville, his subsequent committal to the insane department of state’s prison, his escape and the nationwide search which it precipitated, forms on of the most noted criminal cases in the annals of North Carolina.

Chief Taylor was shot down by the physician in the street of Thomasville early in April 1921. Peacock was jailed and at his trial in June of that year was found to be insane by the jury and was committed to the insane department of the state’s prison. Ther was said to have been feeling between the two men prior to the killing, and the state asked for a verdict of murder, the case being hard fought from start to finish.

On August 30, 1922, Peacock escaped from the prison by sawing the bars and tying his blankets into a rope down which he descended. Prison officials immediately instituted a nationwide search and last year Peacock was seen by a North Carolinian in Florida who reported the matter. The doctor had appeared before Florida officials, had himself examined and declared sane, and had resumed the practice of his profession. Governor Morrison at once requested his extradition by the executives of Florida and a hearing took place in Tallahassee. It was announced that Peacock would be returned to North Carolina but before the papers could be issued, he disappeared. He had not been under arrest while the hearing was in progress.

Reports of his appearance in various places were investigated from time to time by North Carolina officials but without avail. A few weeks ago he was traced to Los Angeles, Calif., but there he disappeared. Last week prison officials were notified that a man believed to be Peacock was at El Cajon, Calif.

Governor Morrison, at the request of Superintendent Pou of the prison, issued extradition papers naming Warden Busbee as the agent of North Carolina. Warden Busbee left at once for the western state and experienced no difficulty, according to dispatches received here, in locating peacock and affecting his arrest. Warden Busbee notified Superintendent Pou that Peacock will fight extradition but, in anticipation of this, the warden was given authority to employ counsel in the matter.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Monday, September 22, 1924

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