
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Bessie Johnson Shares St. Paul News, Dec. 29, 1924

St. Paul News. . . Christmas Programs at Presbyterian and Baptist Churches—Social and Personal

By Bessie G. Johnson

St. Paul, Dec. 26—A delightful social function of the season was given at the Presbyterian manse on Thursday evening last week when Mrs. E.C. Murray entertained complimentary to her Sunday school class, which is composed chiefly of girls. Progressive rook was indulged in, which proved very interesting. In cutting for the prize, Miss Nettie McLean was the lucky winner, being presented with a lovely little bud vase. Mrs. Norman Drum, nee Miss Annie Esther Humphrey, who was an invited guest of honor, was very charmingly presented an attractive powder puff. Delicious refreshments consisting of block cream and cake and mints were served. As the parting hour drew near all very reluctantly bade their hostess adieu, declaring the evening to have been most wonderfully enjoyed.

A very beautiful and impressive Christmas pageant was given Sunday evening at the Presbyterian church, which made a colorful scene as the nativity of Christ was given, each character being uniquely portrayed.

On Christmas evening at the Baptist church a delightful program relative to the season was given, the affair being under the direction of Misses Clara Hester, Nell Rice and Flossie Caudell.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Howard are glad to welcome them back again as residents. They spent the past year at Hertford. They are now residing at their farm near town.

Misses Jessie and Lena Allen came home from Wingate college to spend the Christmas holidays with their people. Miss Jessie is teaching in the college while her sister is a student.

Mr. Albert Guiton is in town, having come over for the holidays, which he is spending with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Guiton, East Broad street. He is at the University of North Carolina, where he is completing a course in pharmacy.

Miss Nonie Johnson arrived this morning from Currituck county, having been a member of the school faculty at Poplar Branch this season, where she was engaged in departmental work in a state high school. On account of the climate, she will not return for the mid term, having tendered her resignation sometime previously. Her friends are glad to have her with them again and especially in our home, where she is a member of the family.

Misses Grace Butler and Norine Ratley, who are students at Meredith college, Raleigh are here for the yuletide season, which they are spending in the homes of their respective parents.

Misses Sarah and Elizabeth McGeachy, students at Flora Macdonald college, are at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. McGeachy, Fayetteville street.

Miss Emma Crump, who has charge of the intermediate department in the school at Buck Horn, is enjoying the holidays at home.

Mrs. C.T. Poole and little daughter, Judith, who have been indisposed several days with influenza, are very much improved.

Miss Helen McGeachy, who is a member of the freshman class at Flora Macdonald, Red Springs, is home for the holidays. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McGeachy, Broad street.

Misses Dora and Minnie Rozier of Fayetteville were house guests from Wednesday until Friday in the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. C.T. Poole.

Miss Annie Louise Fisher, who has been pursuing a commercial course at Messey’s Business college in Richmond, Va., for the past months, came home for a short visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher, near town.

Miss Daisy McRainey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel McRainey, who reside a few miles from town, is at home for the holiday season.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Davis left the latter part of the week for a visit to their daughter, Mrs. P.N. Montague at Winston-Salem.

Miss Ethel Fisher of Flora Macdonald college is here for the Christmas season, which she is spending with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Fisher. Miss Fisher is taking a commercial course at this institution.

Miss Rosalie Townsend of Oxford college is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Townsend.

Mrs. J.F. Nash has been sick several days with influenza but is convalescent.

Miss Florabel McGoogan of Flora Macdonald college came home for the holidays. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McGoogan of near town.

Friends of Miss Lena Allen regret to note her illness since her arrival home. She has an attack of asthma.

Miss Elizabeth Hartman is spending her vacation here with her mother, Mrs. Sallie Hartman, Armfield street. She is a student at Flora Macdonald college.

Messrs. Marion Murray and Lee McLean, students at the Theological seminary, Richmond, Va., came home to spend the holidays. The former, being a son of Dr. and Mrs. E.C. Murray, while the latter is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W.N. McLean, near town.

Week-end guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. E.C. Murray at the Presbyterian manse were a sister of the latter, Miss Mary J. Lebby of Charlotte, and a little friend, Miss Mae Lebby Smith, also of that town. Following their brief visit here they went to Charleston, S.C., where they are now guests among relatives of Miss Lebby.

Friends of Miss Clara McDonald welcomed her home for the yuletide season.

So many coming and going, ‘tis hard to tell just who is here.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, Dec. 29, 1924

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