
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Tri-County Country Club Officially Opening Jan. 1, 1925

Country Club Will Be Opened by A.W. McLean Thursday. . . Invitations Received Here for Formal Opening at Club House on Banks of Lumber River—Club Has Splendid Golf Course and All Modern Facilities—Receiving Line Will be Composed of Governor-Elect and Mrs. McLean and Officers of Club

Governor-Elect A.W. McLean will deliver the address of welcome when the Tri-County Country Club is formally opened Thursday evening January 1st, and he and Mrs. McLean, with officers of the club and their wives will compose the receiving line.

Invitations reading as follows have been received in Lumberton from the social committee, composed of Dr. A.B. Holmes, chairman, of Fairmont; Miller Bridger of Bladenboro; Dr. R.S. Beam of Lumberton; Dr. M.A. Pittman of Boardman; J.D. Lewis of Whiteville; and Robert Proctor of Lumberton:

The Tri-County Country Club requests the pleasure of your presence on the opening night, January 1st, 1925, at 8 o’clock.

The club is composed of members from Robeson, Columbus and Bladen counties. The officers are J.L. Bridger, president; R.I. Walter, vice president; J.D. Lewis, secretary. The club has a large membership, which will enjoy the large handsome two-story structure equipped with all modern club facilities, the splendid golf course, and benefits of hunting and fishing. The house is located on the banks of the Lumber river about one mile from Boardman.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, Dec. 29, 1924

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