
Friday, December 27, 2024

Many Whiskey Cases in Saturday Court, Dec. 27, 1924

Whiskey Cases in Court Saturday. . . Tapering Off Has Not Been Completed by Lovers of Intoxicants

Tapering off at the close of the Christmas holiday season was in evidence in recorder’s court Saturday morning when a number of drunks and liquor toters appeared before Judge P.C. Graham.

--J.V. Fowler was fined $5 and costs for being drunk and disorderly. He was also fined $3 and costs on an assault and battery charge.

--C.W. Crabtree was fined $5 and costs on a charge of drunkenness but half of the fine was remitted.

--Hubert Massey was permitted to pay over $50 and costs on an illegal possession charge.

--J.W. Adams was fined $5 and costs for tossing a drunk. Half of the fine was remitted. He was also fined $5 and cots on an illegal possession charge.

--Clarence Teague was fined $5 and costs on a speeding charge.

--The case in which Louis Hinton is charged with reckless driving and injury to property was continued until January 3.

From page 7 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Dec. 28, 1924

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