
Friday, December 27, 2024

Who's Who in State General Assembly, Dec. 28, 1924

Who’s Who in the Legislature

By the Associated Press

Boone, Dec. 27—John E. Brown, a lawyer and a Democrat of this city, is the state senator from the 29th district in the general assembly of 1925. He was married in 1906, has two children, is 46 years old and is a member of the Baptist church and belongs to the Masonic lodge.

Mr. Brown was educated in the public schools of his county and at the Appalachian Training School. He served as secretary to Congressman Doughton from 1913 to 1917. He was postmaster at Boone from 1919 to 1923.


Jackson Springs, Dec. 27—Edgar Jonathan Woodley, a farmer and merchant of this city, is the Democratic representative of Moore county in the lower house of the 1925 general assembly. He is 46 years old, was married in 1900 and has 10 children living. He belongs to the Masons and is a member of the Methodist church.

Mr. Woodley was educated in the public schools of South Carolina.


Cherryville, Dec. 27—David P. Dellinger, representative in the lower house of the general assembly for Gaston county, is a Democrat, a lawyer by profession and a citizen of this city. He is 47 years old, was married in 1902 and has one child. He is Baptist by religious faith and is a member of the Masons, Shrine, Pythian, D.O.O.K., Junior O.U.A.M., Red Man.

Representative Dellinger was educated at Old Rutherford College, where he received his A.B. degree in 1898 and at the University of North Carolina where he received his degree of Li.B. in 1900. He was also licensed by the North Carolina supreme court in 1900 to practice law.

Mr. Dellinger was mayor of Cherryville in 1900 to 1902 and the city attorney from that time until 1921. He was also a member of the house of representatives at the regular and extra sessions of 1913. He was reading clerk in 1915 and 1924.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Dec. 28, 1924

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