
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Program to Help North Carolinians Produce More Pork, Dec. 25, 1924

Hog Growing Promoted by Ton Litter Club

Raleigh, Dec. 22—An effective way to promote the cooperative carlot shipments of hogs in North Carolina is to organize ton litter clubs over the state, in which an effort is made to produce 2,0000 (??) pounds of pork or live animals from one litter of pigs in 180 days.

“This can be done all right,” says V.W. Lewis, livestock marketing specialist for the State Division of Markets. “In some states fine premiums are offered for producing this amount of pork for one litter. In several instances as much as 3,000 pounds of pork has been made from one litter. This effort creates much rivalry among good hog growers and the result is that more pork is produced and more is available for shipping.

“J.T. Lazar, county agent for the State College extension division in Columbus county, reports one farmer in his county who had a litter of 10 pigs that produced 195 ½ pounds of pork per pig in 180 days. The grower showed these hogs at the county fair with the dam who then had eight nice pigs only a week old at the time.”

Mr. Lewis states that this farmer failed to keep a record of the cost of production and in fact was not trying very hard to push his pigs. He began growing purebred pigs by buying a Poland China sow through Mr. Lewis in cooperation with a local bank and the county agent. The bank agreed to furnish money for buying a carload of purebred hogs after seeing the results of a feeding demonstration in the county. Now the work is growing into the formation of ton litter clubs, which are recommended both by W.W. Shay and Mr. Lewis. Those who wish to begin this work should take up the matter with Mr. Lewis.

From page 2 of The News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Dec. 25, 1924. For the County of Columbus and Her People.

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