
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tabor Merchants Wish All a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year, Dec. 25, 1924

A Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

This is the wish of the following Tabor Merchants and Business Men We wish to express our appreciation for the business given us in 1924, and pray God that He may open the windows of Heaven and pour out his richest blessings to suit the needs of each of you, and may the New Year hold for each one great success and happiness.

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year—J.M. McGougan, Groceries

C.D. Garrell—Anything! Anytime! In Merchandise

Read the Headlines! A very, very Merry Christmas—Harrelson, Graham & Co., L.G. Graham, Mgr.

Lewis Motor Company—Authorized Dealers, Lincoln, FORD, Fordson

Among our assets we like to count the only one that money cannot buy—your good will. And so it is at this Holiday Season we extend to you, not as a customer alone, but as a friend, the best wishes for the coming year—Farmers & Merchants Bank

Season’s Greetings to all of our customers and friends! We are very thankful for our past business relations and our wishes now is for continuance throughout the coming years. Tabor Hardware Company, Tabor, N.C.

M.C. Sarvis Sells Shoes and Hosiery. Best Wishes!

W.F. Cox—Best Wishes! Furniture, Stoves, Talking Machines and Hardware of all Kinds

The Season’s Best Greetings! is our earnest wish—Stephens Hardware Co.

E.W. Fonvielle—Fire and Life Insurance. Best Wishes!

Bicycles, Supplies, Dayton Water Systems, Plumbing Supplies—S.G. Sarvis, Tabor, N.C.

My business was not started to do the gainful thing alone—but just an honest thing, gainful if possible. J.M. Soles

L.P. Williams—Blacksmith. Best possible service given.

A.V. Elliott Says “Hello, There! See Us for Groceries.”

Season’s Greetings! I am the Service Man. Day or Night I stand ready to be of service. Best Wishes for the New Year! Tabor Service Station, Jim Bell, Mgr.

Burn Standard Gas and Polararine and Mobile oil and you will be “Oil Right!” Sold at all Standard Service Stations

W.J. Hickman—Mules. In the Jenkins old stable but not in any way connected with Jenkins Bros. Come and see some nice Mules

Make our store your shopping place for 1925. You will always find the same goods for less money here. Jake Cohen

Roberts Clothing Co.—The Home of Craddock Terry Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions. Come to See Us.

All Sizes, All Colors and All Prices—All the Time—Mules. A. & R. Baldwin

See H.C. Garrell & Co.—For your Seed, Feed, and everything you can find anywhere at Lowest Prices

This is D.J. Hughes’ Space

E.H. Hickman & Co.—Dry Goods, Shoes, Stample and Fancy Groceries

Send all your work to us. Steam Cleaning and Pressing. We can also do your Mending. Let us serve you. All work guaranteed—Tabor Pressing Club

We solicit a continuance of your valuable patronage and we guarantee to keep up our standard of selling the same goods for less money, which makes Tabor the cheapest place to do your trading.

From page 3 of The News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Dec. 25, 1924.

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