
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Betterleys Entertain American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Jan. 23, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. Betterley Entertain

The Sandhill Post American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary held a joint session on Thursday night of the past week at the home of Post Commander Hugh Betterly in Weymouth Heights.

Reports of various Legion Committees were rendered at this meeting. Among other things a very successful campaign for funds, for and the preparation of, in conjunction with the Auxiliary, boxes for the Post and Auxiliaries ward at Oteen Hospital was reported.

The Commander urged that a vigorous campaign for members be carried forward during January by the Post. Mr. Backer was appointed chairman of the membership committee.

Various activities for the winter season were discussed. The Post finally decided to hold a Benefit Dance with the help of the Auxiliary at some early date and Shields Cameron was appointed chairman of the committee of arrangements along with R.L. Hart and Dr. Dickie.

The Auxiliary members also appointed a committee to arrange and entertainment for tis winter with Mrs. Robert Lewis as chairman.

After the business session ended the Legion and Auxiliary members assembled in the living room and listened to a most interesting recital by Dr. W.C. Boddy of his adventures before and during the World War in the Balkan States.

From the front page of the Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, Friday, Jan. 23, 1925

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