
Thursday, January 23, 2025

New Fish and Game Laws Expected, Jan. 23, 1925

New Fish and Game Laws Will be Enacted

Enactment of a state-wide game law will be vigorously sought by the state fisheries commission and the North Carolina Fish and Game league, representative of which have named a committee to draft a bill for early introduction.

The proposed draft of the bill would amend the law creating the fisheries commission so as to give that agency control of hunting and authority to institute measures for the protection of game. A game commissioner would be engaged to direct the enforcement of the proposed regulations to protect game.

The committee to draw the bill is composed of Senator Loch, Blue, of Scotland county, chairman; Senator P.H. Johnson of Beaufort; Representative J.E.L. Wade, New Hanover; Representative Ed. Johnson, Currituck; H.H. Brimley, curator of the state museum; Henry Wall, member of the state fisheries commission; and J.J. Lawson of Durham, secretary of the state game league.

Those advocating for a state-wide game law were enthusiastic this afternoon over the outlook for the enactment of desired legislation at this session. A fight was made at the 1923 session for a state law, but discouraging developments forced an abandonment. Influences hostile then have been reconciled now, however, and the legislature is considered favorable to an undertaking of the kind.

From the front page of the Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, Friday, Jan. 23, 1925

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