
Monday, January 27, 2025

Blackfoot Indians Take to Farming, Jan. 26, 1925

Indians Fool White Men by Becoming Real Farmers

Washington, Jan. 26—Francis M. Goodwin, assistant secretary of the interior, is amazed at the results of the five-year social and economic program being operated among the Blackfeet Indians on the Glacier National Park Reservation. This program comprises, among other measures, the organization of the tribe’s group into a chapter, districts and tribal organizations, and the mainspring of the system is largely emulation.

It was with great pride and pleasure last fall that these Indians marched in with flying banners to the chapter assembly and told Superintendent Campbell what they had accomplished in economic and social progress. Last summer 90 per cent of them raised enough root crops to carry them through the winter, and each had a surplus of flour to sell. They took much price in their well-stored warehouse and in their thriving pigs and chickens.

And yet only four years ago Uncle Sam feared he would have to put those Indians on rations, so meager was their husbandry.

From page 1 of Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, January 26, 1925

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