
Sunday, January 26, 2025

In Elizabeth City Recorder's Court, Jan. 26, 1925

Jail Sentence for Young Willie Bright

For larceny of a pistol from a Mrs. Hooper on Beech street, Willie Bright, young white man, was given a sentence of 30 days in jail, in the recorder’s court Monday morning. The defendant has no visible means of support, has been accused of larceny before, and the court tried a jail sentence on him as a last resort in the hope that through it he might be brought to return to his home in the country and go to work.

Pearl Morris, ginger cake male, also without visible means of support and apparently a wandered, put out of the same restaurant Saturday night were a murder was committed on a Saturday night recently, was likewise given a jail sentence of 30 days when the court found that he could not pay a fine of $10 and costs.

Enoch White, colored, for assault on a female, was found not guilty. The prosecuting witness charged that the defendant put his arm around her and made an indecent proposal to her as she sat in her father’s car while the latter was in the store paying a grocery bill but there was no other witness who would corroborate her and Enoch testified that he, as a friend of the family, merely patted her on the shoulder and asked her if she wasn’t his brown-skinned baby. Corroborated by the negro who was filling the gas tank of the car occupied by the girl at the time, Enoch, 34 years old, while the girl was only 14, got off without penalty.

James Blanchard, colored, for speeding on the Weeksville road, was fined $10 and costs. This was the first case, apparently, brought before Trial Justice Sawyer as a result of an arrest by the County traffic cop. “If everybody guilty of the same offense were before me this morning,” said the trial justice, “I wouldn’t be able to finish the cases all day.”

From page 6 of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., January 26, 1925. I can see why the reporter put “male” after the name Pearl Morris. I’d never seen “ginger cake” as a race.

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