
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ellijay News in the Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

Ellijay News

Today, Mr. Robert Henry began a 10-day singing school in the Ellijay Baptist Church. He invites all who can do so to attend. We have a supply of James D. Vaughan’s latest song books and hope to have a splendid class soon.

Miss Helen Moses made a week end trip to visit relatives at Cullowhee.

One of Mr. Jim Keener’s little children fell into the fire with a rocking chair on top of it, a few days ago. It was severely burned, but will not be blind as a result of its injuries as was feared at first.

The weather was so bad that Rev. Frank Bumgarner failed to come to Mountain Grove and Ellijay at his regular time the past Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Olney Moses and family, Miss Delena Peek, and Miss Marea Moses left for Gastonia a short time ago. They write that they have found desirable jobs.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dills spent last Thursday night with Mrs. Dills’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Henry.

Mr. Charlie Henry left for some point in Jackson county a few days ago.

Messrs. Fred Mincy and Albert Rogers are on a business trip to Sylva.

From the front page of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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