
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Hyatt-Davis Wedding Jan. 21, 1925


The marriage of Miss Evamae Hyatt of Franklin and Nathaniel Donald Davis of Sylva, which took place at high noon on Wednesday, January 21, at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Ada Hyatt, was marked by beautiful simplicity and holds the interest of many friends in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.Q. Wallace, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the family and a few close friends.

To the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march played Miss Ann Mitchell of Clayton, Ga., the bride entered with her sister, Mrs. W.L. Ramsey, who was matron of honor. They were met at the alter by the groom and his best man, Mr. Lewis Baumgarner.

The bride was radiantly lovely in a handsome gown of russet brown back crepe satin with hat and accessories to match.

Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Daivs left for Atlanta and points of interest. They will return to Sylva about January 28, where they will make their home.

The bride possesses a charm of manner and is the beautiful brunette type, which together with an attractive personality makes her an admired figure in a wide circle of friends.

Mr. Davis is very popular in social and business circles of Sylva.

A.M. and M.H.

From the front page of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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