
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

News From the Grove, Jan. 30, 1925

News from the Grove

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dills were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Luther Holland Sunday.

Mr. Dewey Gregory had the misfortune to get blowed up with dynamite on the Jackson County Highway. He wasn’t seriously injured excepting his eyes. He started Monday to Asheville, N.C., to have an eye specialist to treat his eyes.

Misses Estel and Ruth Gregory spent Sunday with Miss Hollie Dills.

Miss Leona Standfield was visiting Miss Bida Holland Wednesday.

Mr. Norman Holland spent one night last week with Mr. Homer Moss.

Misses Mattie Bowers and Hallie Houston spent Saturday night with Mrs. J.R. Houston.

Mr. Tom Dills spent night last week with Mr. Homer Moss.

Mrs. Ingram Houston gave her oldest son, Claude, a birthday dinner January 20. All present report a nice time.

Miss Ester Gregory spent Wednesday night with Miss Leona Stanfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dills spent the week end with Mr. Dill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Henry.

Miss Ella Keener was visiting Mrs. A.B. Potts Sunday.

Mrs. Jerry Holland and Mrs. Nell Keener were visiting Mrs. Lewis Gregory Saturday. Messrs. Luther Holland, Jerry Holland and Richmond Russell returned from Smokemont, N.C., where they have been at work.

Mr. Lewis Gregory has returned from Jackson county Highway where he has been at work.

Mr. J.D. McCoy has been doing some carpenter work on his house recently.

Mr. Luther Tilson was visiting his brother, Lewis, Saturday.

Mrs. John Russell is visiting her son, Tom, at Gastonia, N.C.

Miss Ilora Holland and her little brother were visiting their sister, Mrs. Cora Mashburn, last week.

From the front page of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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