
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Farm Women Invited to State College for Homemaking Short Course, Jan. 26, 1925

Need 10 Women for Each County. . . Short Course in Home Making Planned for Farm Women Next Summer

Raleigh, Jan. 26—A short course in home-making subjects will be given at State College during the Summer School this year, says Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon in an article that will appear in the next week’s issue of the Extension Farm News.

In commenting on the course Mrs. McKimmon says:

“Planning the family meals, costume planning, which includes dressmaking, millinery and household furnishings, will be the subjects taught on the home economics side, and poultry and the home dairy will be the agricultural subjects.

“I hope at least 10 women from each county will come, and that we will have large enough group to tax our capacity.

“A woman can arrive at the college on Monday, register and be ready for work on Tuesday. She may return Saturday afternoon, and I believe with proper planning many women can arrange for this course.

“No women can elect more than two subjects, as we wish to have time for conferences and recreation.

“A statement in detail regarding the expenses and the exact date will be announced later, but I can say now that the expenses will be very moderate.”

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., January 26, 1925. The newspaper spelled Mrs. McKimmon’s last name “McKinnon,” but I know that’s incorrect.

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