
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Hunters Enjoy Shooting "Big Game" in Town, Jan. 26, 1925

Find Big Game in Market House

Local sportsmen have found a new hunting ground and one that is overflowing with big game. They are making no secret of it, because there seems to be plenty forallw ho wish to follow their example.

The fun started one night last week with Pat Twiddy, Dr. William Parker, Duke Cropsey and several other mighty hunters stopped up all the holes except on around the market house, when up in the balconies and waited for the nightly gathering of rats.

Soon they came, the biggest rats anybody ever saw. Any Pied Piper would have run a mile without stopping if these creatures had started out to follow him.

The hunters, armed with rifles, began their deadly aiming and firing and in a short time over 150 of the ratty giants lay prone upon the market house floor. Others were wounded enough to get outside and die.

“But that 150 wasn’t a beginning,” said one of the market men next day. “I bet there are a million of them around here. We can’t leave anything out at night for them. During the cold weather we could leave meat hanging upon hooks outside the refrigerators, but not with these rats around. We have to put everything away if we expect to see it next morning.”

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., January 26, 1925

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