
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Frances Carton's 7th Birthday Party, Jan. 22, 1925

Bostic News

Bostic, Jan. 20—Last Tuesday afternoon little Miss Frances Calton delightfully entertained about 20 of her little friends at her 7th birthday party. She was assisted in entertaining by her mother, Mrs. W.T. Calton. After two hours spent in playing games, singing and other fun, the children were led to the dining room where delicious refreshments were served. Here a color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the cake, candles, favors and flowers. Coffee and sandwiches were served to the mothers, who were present. Those enjoying the party were Eleanor and Louise Hollifield, Dorothy and Sibyl Moore, Mary, Rose, Ruth and Katherine Harrill, Birdie Green, Margaret Ann Smart, Eugenia and William Harrill, Jennings, Ernest and Hubert Harrill, Robert Padgett and Velsie Fouch and Mesdames Buron, J.B. and G.B. Harrill, Cordie Bostic, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bostic and Miss May Smith.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Jan. 22, 1925

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