
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

News Along Bostic Route 1, Jan. 22, 1925

Bostic R-1 News Bostic, R-1, Jan. 20—Mr. and Mrs. Luther Johnson spent last Sunday with Mr. H.L. Johnson.

Mr. E.G. Murry visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murry, one day last week.

Miss Lucy Hoyle made a business trip to Forest City last Wednesday.

Miss Daisy Murry spent last Sunday with Miss Nora Belle Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchins spent last Sunday night with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Emma Murry.

Miss Viola Withrow and little daughter, Ida, spent last Saturday night with Mrs. Witherow’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duffie Freeman.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Jan. 22, 1925

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