
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

H.G. Bennett Killed When Wagon Overturned, Jan. 22, 1925

Farmer Meets a Horrible Death. . . Dead Boyd of H.G. Bennett Found Pinned Beneath Wagon Body

Rutherfordton, Jan. 21—Mr. H.G. Bennett, who lived near Shiloah, left home Saturday morning to get a load of fodder from a neighbor who lived several miles away. Not returning as expected his family decided as it was raining and the roads very bad that he was spending the night with friends, but on Sunday they found his body where the wagon had overturned, pinning him underneath. It is supposed that he was stunned by the fall, as there was a bruise on his head where he had fallen against the bank, and in all probability did not regain consciousness. The wagon body had fallen across his chest.

He leaves a wife and three children. The burial was at Shiloh church on Monday afternoon.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Jan. 22, 1925

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