
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Roy Morris Secures Patent on Lock for Stationary Nuts, Jan. 22, 1925

Roy R. Morris Gets Patent on Invention

Mr. Roiy R. Morris, overseas veteran and popular young business man of this city, was granted a patent on Jan. 6th for an invention which his many friends hope will make him a rich man. The patented device is a lock for stationary nuts, and will be used on railroads, automobiles and in many other ways. It is said for the device that it will keep the nut locked and will not work loose under any pressure. Several nut and bolt concerns have asked for drawings of the invention and are intensely interested in the device.

Mr. Morris has not as yet decided upon just how he will have his patent placed upon the market, but is confident that it will at once prove its worth and after introduction have a wide sale.

Mr. Morris, who recently spent some time in a government hospital for injuries received in the great World War, has not fully recovered and is leaving for Mississippi, where he will undergo treatment in a further effort to regain his health. He has thousands of friend here and in the county who hope for his complete recovery, and also that his patent will meet with his fondest expectations.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Jan. 22, 1925

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